Victoria is a near mine target at Yauricocha. This area is underlain by granodiorite that hosts copper-silver veins in E-W trending faults. The veins are similar to the Cuye ore body of the Central Mine area, which historically produced 1.2 million tonnes of ore at average grades of 2.5% Cu and 90.6 g/t Ag.The Cuye ore body has an additional 164,000 tonnes in reserve and is open laterally and to depth.
The Victoria vein was mined during 1969-1976 and 1994-1996 by Centromin, but only to a shallow depth, and it produced 23,807 tonnes averaging 81 g/t Ag, 0.43% Pb, 2.04% Cu and 0.65% Zn. The vein is open to depth and along strike.